Anne Boleyn
Season 1

s01e01 / Season 1, Episode 1

1st Jun '21 - 9:00pm
Season 1, Episode 1 Summary

The queen consort is pregnant and convinced she will bear Henry VIII a male heir, with their first-born Elizabeth being overlooked for the throne, but the king has his eye on Jane Seymour, one of Anne's ladies-in-waiting.

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s01e02 / Season 1, Episode 2

2nd Jun '21 - 9:00pm
Season 1, Episode 2 Summary

Anne is haunted by nightmares of her stillborn son, and having lost her baby, her position at court is put in serious jeopardy, so she sets out on a new mission to secure her daughter's right to the throne. She masterminds a plan to force the Spanish ambassador Cromwell to bow to her in public, therefore recognising her and her daughter's legitimacy.

199 have watched this episode

s01e03 / Season 1, Episode 3

3rd Jun '21 - 9:00pm
Season 1, Episode 3 Summary

Locked in the infamous Tower, Anne is accused of treason, adultery and, mystifyingly, incest. She is watched by her former ally Lady Shelton, who is secretly passing information to Cromwell. On the day of her trial, Anne presents herself with the pride and dignity of a warrior.

198 have watched this episode
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