Season 6

s06e01 / Jurassic Lark

21st Nov '20 - 4:59am
Jurassic Lark Summary

In a spoof of Jurassic Park, a crew uncovers Yakko, Wakko, and Dot in the wilderness.

466 have watched this episode

s06e02 / Suspended Animation (1)

22nd Nov '20 - 4:59am
Suspended Animation (1) Summary

Yakko, Wakko, and Dot return home and learn about the modern world after being rebooted.

434 have watched this episode

s06e03 / Of Mice and Memes

23rd Nov '20 - 4:59am
Of Mice and Memes Summary

Brain's meme fails to achieve world domination.

415 have watched this episode

s06e04 / Suspended Animation (2)

24th Nov '20 - 4:59am
Suspended Animation (2) Summary

Yakko sings about Hollywood reboots.

400 have watched this episode

s06e05 / Warners Unbound

25th Nov '20 - 4:59am
Warners Unbound Summary

The Warners vacation in Ancient Greece.

387 have watched this episode

s06e06 / How to Brain Your Dragon

26th Nov '20 - 4:59am
How to Brain Your Dragon Summary

Pinky & the Brain try using a dragon to rule the world.

387 have watched this episode

s06e07 / Suffragette City

27th Nov '20 - 4:59am
Suffragette City Summary

Dot learns that cartoons don't have the right to vote.

377 have watched this episode

s06e08 / Gold Meddlers

28th Nov '20 - 4:59am
Gold Meddlers Summary

The Warners compete in games of skill.

370 have watched this episode

s06e09 / Pinko and the Brain

29th Nov '20 - 4:59am
Pinko and the Brain Summary

Brain gets busted time-travelling.

366 have watched this episode

s06e10 / Math-terpiece Theater: Apples

30th Nov '20 - 4:59am
Math-terpiece Theater: Apples Summary

Dot gives a dramatic math lesson.

363 have watched this episode

s06e11 / Bun Control

1st Dec '20 - 4:59am
Bun Control Summary

The Warners fight a rabbit infestation.

357 have watched this episode

s06e12 / Ex-Mousina

2nd Dec '20 - 4:59am
Ex-Mousina Summary

Brain's robot "son" turns on him.

357 have watched this episode

s06e13 / Bloopf

3rd Dec '20 - 4:59am
Bloopf Summary

A new app is born.

354 have watched this episode

s06e14 / Good Warner Hunting

4th Dec '20 - 4:59am
Good Warner Hunting Summary

The Warners are stalked by a hunter.

324 have watched this episode

s06e15 / No Brainer

5th Dec '20 - 4:59am
No Brainer Summary

Pinky & the Brain break into the NSA.

321 have watched this episode

s06e16 / Ralph Cam

6th Dec '20 - 4:59am
Ralph Cam Summary

Ralph falls asleep.

99 have watched this episode

s06e17 / The Cutening

7th Dec '20 - 4:59am
The Cutening Summary

Dot discovers a recipe for cuteness.

99 have watched this episode

s06e18 / Close Encounters of the Worst Kind

8th Dec '20 - 4:59am
Close Encounters of the Worst Kind Summary

Aliens don't share Brain's goals.

99 have watched this episode

s06e19 / Equal Time

9th Dec '20 - 4:59am
Equal Time Summary

Yakko, Wakko, and Dot host the Animaniacs 2020 Election Special.

99 have watched this episode

s06e20 / Warner She Wrote

10th Dec '20 - 4:59am
Warner She Wrote Summary

Celebrated detective Hercule Yakko investigates a dognapping.

99 have watched this episode

s06e21 / France France Revolution

11th Dec '20 - 4:59am
France France Revolution Summary

Hungry and wanting food, the Warners accidentally start the French Revolution.

98 have watched this episode

s06e22 / Gift Rapper

12th Dec '20 - 4:59am
Gift Rapper Summary

Yakko channels Shakespeare to save hip-hop.

98 have watched this episode

s06e23 / WhoDonut

13th Dec '20 - 4:59am
WhoDonut Summary

The Warners hunt a donut thief.

98 have watched this episode

s06e24 / Mousechurian Candidate

14th Dec '20 - 4:59am
Mousechurian Candidate Summary

Brain creates the perfect FLOTUS in order to become the President.

99 have watched this episode

s06e25 / Starbox and Cindy

15th Dec '20 - 4:59am
Starbox and Cindy Summary

Starbox fails to escape Cindy's adoring grasp.

99 have watched this episode

s06e26 / Here Comes Treble

16th Dec '20 - 4:59am
Here Comes Treble Summary

The Warners butt heads with a conductor.

99 have watched this episode

s06e27 / That's Not the Issue

17th Dec '20 - 4:59am
That's Not the Issue Summary

The Warners argue with a talk show host about what's the issue.

99 have watched this episode

s06e28 / Future Brain

18th Dec '20 - 4:59am
Future Brain Summary

Brain is humbled by his future self.

99 have watched this episode

s06e29 / The Incredible Gnome In People's Mouths

19th Dec '20 - 4:59am
The Incredible Gnome In People's Mouths Summary

A gnome helps people by saying what they really mean.

99 have watched this episode

s06e30 / Anima-Nyet

20th Dec '20 - 4:59am
Anima-Nyet Summary

The Warners discover an unauthorized version of their show in Russia.

99 have watched this episode

s06e31 / Babysitter's Flub

21st Dec '20 - 4:59am
Babysitter's Flub Summary

Brain battles a toddler for a meteorite.

99 have watched this episode

s06e32 / The Warner's Press Conference

22nd Dec '20 - 4:59am
The Warner's Press Conference Summary

The Warners give their thoughts about the episode.

99 have watched this episode

s06e33 / Phantomaniacs

23rd Dec '20 - 4:59am
Phantomaniacs Summary

The Warners haunt a television set in a parody of Poltergeist.

99 have watched this episode

s06e34 / Fear and Laughter in Burbank

24th Dec '20 - 4:59am
Fear and Laughter in Burbank Summary

The Warners encounter a scary clown.

99 have watched this episode

s06e35 / Bride of Pinky

25th Dec '20 - 4:59am
Bride of Pinky Summary

Brain frightens a whole village into submission.

99 have watched this episode

s06e36 / Things That Go Bump in the Night

26th Dec '20 - 4:59am
Things That Go Bump in the Night Summary

Spooky monsters get claustrophobic.

99 have watched this episode

s06e37 / A Zit!

27th Dec '20 - 4:59am
A Zit! Summary

Dot has a zit on her face.

99 have watched this episode

s06e38 / 1001 Narfs

28th Dec '20 - 4:59am
1001 Narfs Summary

Pinky & the Brian entertain a Sultana.

99 have watched this episode

s06e39 / Manny Manspreader

29th Dec '20 - 4:59am
Manny Manspreader Summary

A man lacks a sense of personal space.

99 have watched this episode

s06e40 / Hindenburg Cola

30th Dec '20 - 4:59am
Hindenburg Cola Summary

The Warners go on a quest for Dr. Scratchansniff.

99 have watched this episode

s06e41 / Roadent Trip

31st Dec '20 - 4:59am
Roadent Trip Summary

Brain builds a driverless car.

99 have watched this episode

s06e42 / FLOTUS, FLOTUS, What Do You Know About Us?

1st Jan '21 - 4:59am
FLOTUS, FLOTUS, What Do You Know About Us? Summary

Dot sings about all the First Ladies.

99 have watched this episode
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