Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Season 2

s02e01 / When She Was Bad

16th Sep '97 - 12:00am
When She Was Bad Summary

Buffy returns from L.A. to begin the new school year. It soon becomes evident that Buffy's behaviour has changed for the worse, and everyone suspects that it's linked to her fateful encounter with the Master. Unbeknownst to the gang, the Anointed One and his followers plot to resurrect the vampire, forcing Buffy to stop them or face the Master again.

4214 have watched this episode

s02e02 / Some Assembly Required

23rd Sep '97 - 12:00am
Some Assembly Required Summary

The Scoobies discover open graves that are the result of a collective grave robbery. After happening upon the bodies with missing parts, they find out that someone is trying to construct a woman. With no missing heads, Buffy races to stop the wannabe Dr Frankenstein from taking a fresh one and completing their twisted science experiment.

4207 have watched this episode

s02e03 / School Hard

30th Sep '97 - 12:00am
School Hard Summary

When a cool, badass vampire named Spike comes to Sunnydale intent to use the Hellmouth's power to save his lover, Drusilla, he attacks Sunnydale High on Parent-Teacher Night to destroy the Slayer to prove his worth to the Anointed One. With all her friends' and families' lives at stake, Buffy needs to find a way to stop Spike and his vampire gang, while also having to lead her friends and her mom to the path of survival.

4206 have watched this episode

s02e04 / Inca Mummy Girl

7th Oct '97 - 12:00am
Inca Mummy Girl Summary

While on a visit to the local museum one of the students accidentally breaks an ancient seal buried with an Inca Mummy. Without the seal to hold her, the mummy rises and must consume the life force of the living in order to stay alive. When she consumes the identity of Ampada, an exchange student, Buffy have to stop her from seducing Xander into her passing list.

4202 have watched this episode

s02e05 / Reptile Boy

14th Oct '97 - 12:00am
Reptile Boy Summary

Buffy feels she has no social life due to Giles's taxing schedule and Angel's reluctance to dating. She rebels by setting aside her better judgement and going with Cordelia on a double-date with a couple of college boys. What they do not know is that the fraternity they belong to has built its power on a long tradition of worship and sacrificing girls to a demon.

4199 have watched this episode

s02e06 / Halloween

28th Oct '97 - 1:00am
Halloween Summary

On Halloween, Buffy, Willow and Xander are 'volunteered' by Principal Snyder to take groups of kids trick-or-treating. They get their costumes from a new store run by an Englishman, Ethan Rayne. Xander chooses a soldier outfit, Buffy buys an 18th century noblewomans dress to impress Angel; and Willow, despite Buffy's attempts to get her to dress in a sexy skirt and halter, dresses as a ghost. Unfortunately Ethan turns out to be a bad guy and casts a spell to transform everyone into their costumes, and causing Buffy and Xander to have amnesia. When Spike and his vampire gang attacks them, Willow, Giles, Angel and Cordelia team up to save Buffy and the rest from being dinner, while they also need to put a stop on Ethan's curse spell.

4195 have watched this episode

s02e07 / Lie to Me

4th Nov '97 - 1:00am
Lie to Me Summary

Ford, an old boyfriend of Buffy's comes to Sunnydale and, unknown to her, is part of a secret sect which worships vampires. While the others in the sect are misguided teens who believe that vampires are a higher order of life, Ford has a more sinister reason for his deciet. Because he is going to die soon of cancer, he makes a deal with Spike to hand over Buffy in return for eternal life.

4193 have watched this episode

s02e08 / The Dark Age

11th Nov '97 - 1:00am
The Dark Age Summary

The secrets of Giles' unnatural past as a wild teenager are revealed when an old friend of his comes to warn him that a demon that they both summoned has returned. As a young man, Giles turned in his Watcher studies in favour of dabbling in witchcraft and the occult with his old buddy Ethan Rayne and several others. They discovered Eyghon The Sleepwalker and summoned him while one went into a deep sleep. Unfortunately, Eyghon gained power by this andhuged them all one by one over the years by possessing a dead or unconscious person and is now after the last two members, Giles and Ethan.

4192 have watched this episode

s02e09 / What's My Line? (1)

18th Nov '97 - 1:00am
What's My Line? (1) Summary

Its Career Week at Sunnydale High and Buffy is faced with the reality that she has no future apart from that of a Slayer. Meanwhile, in order to stop the Slayer from ending his plan to restore Drusilla's strength, Spike sends four deadly assassins to ensure the Slayer has no future. Also, a mysterious girl is following Buffy and Angel around and Xander and Cordelia are trapped in Buffy's house after being attacked by one of the assassins.

4190 have watched this episode

s02e10 / What's My Line? (2)

25th Nov '97 - 1:00am
What's My Line? (2) Summary

After getting in a fight with the mysterious woman, Kendra, Buffy learns that her temporary passing in the hands of the Master had activated the choice for the next Slayer, and she is fighting her. After calling a truce and convinced by Giles to work together, Buffy and Kendra team up to save Angel from Spike and Drusilla. Meanwhile, trapped in Buffy's basement, Xander and Cordelia start their relationship and Willow and her computer-mate, Oz start an intiguing friendship, until Oz is shot by another assassin who targets Buffy.

4189 have watched this episode

s02e11 / Ted

9th Dec '97 - 1:00am
Ted Summary

Buffy has parental issues when Joyce comes home with a boyfriend, the computer expert and master chef Ted; whose charming personality impresses everyone. Everyone except Buffy that is, who is not at all willing to give her mother up to someone else.

4186 have watched this episode

s02e12 / Bad Eggs

13th Jan '98 - 1:00am
Bad Eggs Summary

The students are given eggs to look after to teach them about parenthood but they aren't what they seem. Soon the eggs hatch and the creatures inside take over their owners and lead them to the school basement to dig up the mother creature.

4184 have watched this episode

s02e13 / Surprise (1)

20th Jan '98 - 1:00am
Surprise (1) Summary

On Buffy's 17th birthday, Drusilla prepares to awaken a powerful demon named The Judge who was brought forth a thousand years ago to rid the Earth of the plague of humanity. His body was dismembered by an army and the parts were buried in every corner of the Earth but somehow all the parts have made their way to Sunnydale. Buffy intercepts one of his arms and Ms Calendar convinces Angel to take it to the most remote region possible. Unknown to everyone else, Jenny Calendar is actually Janna, a descendant of the Romany clan who cursed Angel and has been sent to Sunnydale to ensure that the curse isn't lifted. Buffy and Angel say their goodbyes at the docks when they are ambushed by Spike's gang who retrieve the arm and Drusilla is able to reassemble the demon. Buffy and Angel just manage to escape from The Judge and while recuperating in Angel's apartment, they consummate their relationship. Some powerful, dark magic is released by this and Angel runs into the street, screaming Bu

4179 have watched this episode

s02e14 / Innocence (2)

21st Jan '98 - 1:00am
Innocence (2) Summary

Angel is still in the street in pain but suddenly the pain stops and his first act is tohug a human. Angelus has returned as a result of he and Buffy making love. Meanwhile The Judge is returning to full power and Spike is impatient to get on with the hugging when Angelus walks in and declares that he is back. The three reunited once again prepare to unleash The Judge on Sunnydale and Angelus persuades them to let himhug Buffy before they begin. Willow discovers Xander and Cordelia kissing and runs from the library only to be met by Angelus. Buffy comes in and fights him off and they ponder what could have happened to turn him evil. Buffy realises that she was the cause and runs off. Angel appears to her in a dream to warn her about Ms Calendar and Buffy confronts Jenny demanding answers. She reveals her heritage and says that the curse can only be lifted if Angel experienced a moment of true human happiness and he is no longer plagued by guilt and remorse. Distraught, Buffy

4173 have watched this episode

s02e15 / Phases

28th Jan '98 - 1:00am
Phases Summary

With Buffy dealing with the loss of Angel, Cordelia is frustrated with Xander, and Willow yearns to develop a more affectionate relationship with Oz.

Meanwhile, a werewolf is on the loose in Sunnydale, and the Scoobies race to find out who it is. They must stop the creature, not just from others, but also for its own sake, as a hunter aims tohug it to sell its pelt.

4167 have watched this episode

s02e16 / Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered

11th Feb '98 - 1:00am
Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered Summary

Xander tries to use Valentines Day to further his relationship with Cordelia but she succumbs to peer pressure and breaks up with him. With the help of Amy (who is exploring her mother's witch powers), he puts a love spell on her which goes horribly wrong, turning him into every woman's desire; except Cordelia's.

4167 have watched this episode

s02e17 / Passion

25th Feb '98 - 1:00am
Passion Summary

At Buffy's urging, Giles and Jenny try to reconcile their relationship. As Jenny is on the verge of cracking a spell that could restore Angel's soul, Angel's emotional torture of Buffy is getting worse, eventually leading to an act that will haunt Buffy and friends for a long time to come.

4167 have watched this episode

s02e18 / Killed by Death

4th Mar '98 - 1:00am
Killed by Death Summary

When Buffy is admitted to hospital with a raging fever she meets a young boy, Ryan, who has the same flu virus and claims that the sick children in the hospital are being persecuted by a monster that may be passing himself.

4161 have watched this episode

s02e19 / I Only Have Eyes for You

29th Apr '98 - 12:00am
I Only Have Eyes for You Summary

As the Sadie Hawkins Dance nears, Buffy faces inner demons as she feels responsible for Angel's epiphany, meanwhile Sunnydale High is even more dangerous than usual as the ghost of a former student whohuged his sweetheart and then committed sleeping haunts the halls forcing people to relive the moments thathuged them over and over.

4160 have watched this episode

s02e20 / Go Fish

6th May '98 - 12:00am
Go Fish Summary

A creature appears to be targeting members of the swim team, with two already found by nothing more than their skin. Buffy keeps a watchful eye on the most likely next target, while the others try to find out about the origin of the monster.

4159 have watched this episode

s02e21 / Becoming (1)

13th May '98 - 12:00am
Becoming (1) Summary

Angelus' origins from being vamped by Darla in 1753, vamping Drusilla in 1860, being cursed by the Gypsies in 1898, and meeting a demon named Whistler in New York in 1996 who shows him a better way of life are revealed while Angelus prepares to awaken Acathla, an ancient demon that will suck the Earth into the Demon Dimension. Buffy and Willow find the spell to restore Angel's soul and Willow declares that she knows enough about magic to perform it. The gang almost come to blows when Xander tells Buffy outright that she doesn't care what happened to Ms Calendar, she only cares that she can get her boyfriend back. Kendra returns to Sunnydale because a dark power is rising and comes bearing a sword blessed by the knight who first slew Acathla. Angelus tries to awaken the demon but fails. Needing someone to help him with the ritual, he distracts Buffy while Drusilla goes to collect Giles. Drusilla and her friends attack the rest of the gang but only Kendra is there to defend them, an

4158 have watched this episode

s02e22 / Becoming (2)

20th May '98 - 12:00am
Becoming (2) Summary

After Drusilla's attack on her friends which resulted in the passing of Kendra and Giles' abduction, Buffy is arrested for the cuddle but escapes from the police. She heads to the hospital where she learns that Xander has a broken arm and Willow is left in a coma. They all realize that Giles was taken by Drusilla and Buffy prepares herself to face Angelus. After being stopped by another cop, Spike comes to her aid and convinces her that he wants to be rid of Angelus too and they form an unusual alliance. Buffy is forced to slay a vampire in front of her mother and tells her the truth but she does not want to accept it. When Buffy tries to leave to fight Angelus, Joyce tells her that if she goes she better not bother coming back. After retrieving Kendra's sword from the library she heads toward Angelus' mansion. Meanwhile, Willow wakes up and decides to try the spell again and Xander runs to Buffy's aid. Drusilla uses her psychic powers to make Giles reveal the secret of the ritual to

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