The Talented Curate Summary

Abi Johnston, a talented young curate, comes to train at St Saviour's. Lay reader Nigel is green with envy, and even Adam's initial enthusiasm at the prospect of someone to cover weekends off soon gives way to doubt in his own abilities as a priest when he realizes just how brilliant she is.

When Colin decides his vicar needs cheering up, Adam inadvertently gets the chance to experience religious versus chemical ecstasy.

Rev. Season 2 Episodes...

Rev. Show Summary

Reverend Adam Smallbone is an Anglican vicar who is newly promoted from a small rural parish to the 'socially disunited' St Saviour in the Marshes in East London. Unable to turn anyone away from his new appointment Smallbone is faced with a collection of moral challenges as he balances the needs of genuine believers, people on the streets and drug addicts as well with the demands of social climbers using the church to get their children into the best schools.

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