In God We Trust Summary

Vinick wins the Republican nomination for presidency and immediately begins working tirelessly on his campaign. He brings in political operative Bruno Gianelli for advice on choosing a vice presidential candidate and the controversy over Vinick's lack of church going. Meanwhile, the Democrats have a three-way race for the nomination with Russell leading Santos and third-place Hoynes; and Bartlet tries to show party unity.

Episode Viewers and Ratings

Season 6 Episode 20 of The West Wing resulted in a 0.00 rating in the 18-49 demographic.

The West Wing Season 6 Episodes...

The West Wing Show Summary

In a unique glimpse of the inner-workings of Presidential politics, The West Wing takes viewers inside the White House and follows the lives of the staff as they help President Jed Bartlet make the crucial decisions that shape the nation and the world around it. Working closely with the President are close friend and Chief of Staff Leo McGarry; Deputy Chief of Staff Josh Lyman; Josh's assistant Donna Moss; Communications Director Toby Ziegler; and his Deputy, Sam Seaborn; Press Secretary C.J. Cregg; First Lady Abbey Bartlet; and Charlie Young, Bartlet's Personal Aide.

As season 6 unfolded, the show shifted its focus from the current administration to the Arnold Vinick vs. Matthew Santos race for the presidency, presidential election, and transition to the new administration from the Bartlet administration.

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