Tierra Incognita
Season 1

s01e01 / The Labyrinth

9th Sep '22 - 3:59am
The Labyrinth Summary

After receiving an anonymous message, Eric returns to Cape Qwerty to solve a childhood mystery.

242 have watched this episode

s01e02 / The Carousel

10th Sep '22 - 3:59am
The Carousel Summary

Eric wonders what is real and what isn't. Uma relives a painful memory.

159 have watched this episode

s01e03 / The Dalaras Mansion

11th Sep '22 - 3:59am
The Dalaras Mansion Summary

Eric and Uma stay with Carmen. The mystery of the amusement park's lights begins to unravel.

160 have watched this episode

s01e04 / The Haunted Ship

12th Sep '22 - 3:59am
The Haunted Ship Summary

Eric and Pablo go to the amusement park in search of missing pages from Roberto Dalaras's journal.

154 have watched this episode

s01e05 / The Secret Code

13th Sep '22 - 3:59am
The Secret Code Summary

Eric faces rejection from his neighbors and discovers a dark secret about his best friend.

155 have watched this episode

s01e06 / The Worm

14th Sep '22 - 3:59am
The Worm Summary

A coded message from his father seems to give some answers. The creature attacks again.

155 have watched this episode

s01e07 / The Hidden Room

15th Sep '22 - 3:59am
The Hidden Room Summary

Uma shows Eric a secret place. There, they find a key clue to the disappearances.

149 have watched this episode

s01e08 / The Horror

16th Sep '22 - 3:59am
The Horror Summary

Eric and his friends visit the caves and find key information on the creature that stalks the town.

149 have watched this episode
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