Deafies in Drag Summary

Daniel meets Deafies in Drag stars Selena Minogue and Casavina, reviews risque Halloween costumes and hosts a spooky seance.

Tosh.0 Season 10 Episodes...

Tosh.0 Show Summary

With razor sharp wit and biting commentary, comedian Daniel Tosh delves into all aspects of the Internet from the absolutely absurd to the incredibly ingenious in this new weekly, topical series. Tosh.0 goes deep into the Web, spinning commentary about blogs and vlogs both popular and obscure, tweets and pokes, popular sites and new technologies.

In addition, the series will feature viral clips of the week, premiere its own original videos created by and starring well-known actors and comedians, as well as highlight a weekly Viewer's Choice video chosen from among those uploaded and voted on via COMEDY CENTRAL's flanker Web site, Atom.

Each episode will feature the segment "Web Redemption", which will give subjects of infamous viral videos (think Afro Ninja) a second chance to redeem themselves from the embarrassment with which they've become synonymous.

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