The Bachelor
Season 9

s09e01 / Week One (S9)

3rd Oct '06 - 12:00am
Week One (S9) Summary

In this premiere episode, 901, of the ninth edition of The Bachelor, the 25 bachelorettes are enchanted by the Princely castle, and their handsome host, Prince Borghese. Cardinale Taverna built the sprawling castle in the picturesque countryside of Italy in 1604. Among frescos and centuries-old oil paintings in the grand ballroom, the cocktail party is interrupted when two stunning Italian women crash the party and quickly plot to steal Lorenzos heart and attention. The jealous and already competitive American ladies step up their game to pull Lorenzo back into their fold, but the Italian beauties dont give up. The tug-of-war over Prince Borghese continues through the evening, and some of the women pull extraordinary stunts to win his affections. One woman theatrically sings an aria on the balcony overlooking the amazing fountain and outdoor sunken courtyard, while another tells the Prince that she is a tree-hugger and lures him into a wooded area to hug a tree with her.

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s09e02 / Week Two (S9)

10th Oct '06 - 12:00am
Week Two (S9) Summary

The 12 remaining bachelorettes move into a villa, and before three rose-less ladies move out at the end of the episode, Lorenzo squires one, Lisa, around Rome\'s Villa Borghese. This doesn\'t make Lisa popular with some of her competitors. Group dates include a motor-scooter tour of Rome and a Mediterranean cruise, where one bachelorette passes out after drinking too much. There\'s also an emotional breakdown, suffered by Erica. And back at Lorenzo\'s villa, two bachelorettes break into his bedroom.

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s09e03 / Week Three (S9)

17th Oct '06 - 12:00am
Week Three (S9) Summary

Nine bachelorettes remain, and Lorenzo takes six of them to a Tuscan castle for a sleepover pool party. And he spends a night at the opera on a one-on-one date. It\'s a Cinderella evening for Jami that begins in a Maserati, but it could end (figuratively speaking) in a pumpkin. Meanwhile, Sadie tells Lorenzo she\'s saving herself for marriage, and fireworks literally cap another bachelorette\'s date with him. At the rose ceremony, Lorenzo has six to bestow.

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s09e04 / Week Four (S9)

24th Oct '06 - 12:00am
Week Four (S9) Summary

In a major surprise to the remaining six bachelorettes, Erica shakes things up when she returns to the house to determine which ladies will get individual dates with Lorenzo. She makes them participate in a \"truth exercise,\" which leaves some of the women in tears. Lorenzo then flies one lucky bachelorette to the Roman baths for a day of pampering and an evening of romance.

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s09e05 / Week Five (S9)

31st Oct '06 - 1:00am
Week Five (S9) Summary

Lorenzo visits the hometowns of the four remaining bachelorettes. In Miami, Jennifer\'s father unsettles Lorenzo with hisballoon collection. In Portland, Ore., a friend of Lisa\'s scares him with a wedding dress. And in Venice, he and Agnese\'s parents simply don\'t speak the same language. But at least there\'s a pleasant beach interlude with Sadie in San Diego. At the rose ceremony, the field is reduced to three, all of whom will go on overnight dates with Lorenzo.

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s09e06 / Week Six (S9)

14th Nov '06 - 1:00am
Week Six (S9) Summary

Its the ultimate whirlwind for the final three women Jennifer, Lisa and Sadie - as Lorenzo travels across Europe to some of the most romantic and exciting locations in Sweden, Budapest and Sicily for their exotic dates. The three bachelorettes are falling hard for the handsome Prince, with one woman pouring her heart out to him, another pulling out all the stops to get to the Fantasy Suite and the final woman finding her lifelong morals severely tested. Its a wild, romantic ride with each of the ladies - until Lorenzo has to make a heart-wrenching decision to eliminate one of them.

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s09e07 / The Women Tell All (S9)

21st Nov '06 - 1:00am
The Women Tell All (S9) Summary

The rejected women of The Bachelor: Rome come together for a reunion special and dish about season highlights.

256 have watched this episode

s09e08 / Week Seven (S9)

28th Nov '06 - 1:00am
Week Seven (S9) Summary

Lorenzo has one rose left to bestow in the season finale, but first he has intimate dates with finalists Sadie and Jennifer, and he asks permission from both of their fathers if he may marry their daughters. Their mothers and Lorenzo\'s parents have arrived in Rome as well, and everyone must endure an awkward cocktail party together. Meanwhile, Lorenzo\'s mother has designed the engagement ring he will give to the woman he chooses.

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