Star Trek: The Next Generation
Season 1

s01e01 / Encounter at Farpoint, Part I

29th Sep '87 - 12:00am
Encounter at Farpoint, Part I Summary

Stardate: 41153.7 While en route to Farpoint, Captain Picard and his crew encounter a god-like being called Q, who places humanity on trial for barbarism. Captain Picard has to prove to Q that the Human race is not barbaric; otherwise, the entire human race will be destroyed.

Meanwhile, on Farpoint, the newly assigned second-in-command, Commander William T. Riker, must solve the mysterious goings on, on the planet, before the Federation makes their decision on if they may join the Federation of planets.

Somehow, both Picard and Riker's separate tasks become intertwined.

2389 have watched this episode

s01e02 / Encounter at Farpoint, Part II

29th Sep '87 - 12:00am
Encounter at Farpoint, Part II Summary

Stardate: 41153.7 While en route to Farpoint, Captain Picard and his crew encounter a god-like being called Q, who places humanity on trial for barbarism. Captain Picard has to prove to Q that the Human race is not barbaric; otherwise, the entire human race will be destroyed.

Meanwhile, on Farpoint, the newly assigned second-in-command, Lt. Cmdr. William Riker, must solve the mysterious goings on, on the planet, before the Federation makes their decision on if they may join the Federation of planets.

Somehow, both Picard and Riker's separate tasks become intertwined.

2386 have watched this episode

s01e03 / The Naked Now

6th Oct '87 - 12:00am
The Naked Now Summary

Stardate: 41209.2 When the Enterprise is ordered to investigate what has happened to the Starship Tsiolkovsky, they find everyone dead due to bizarre incidents. Later they realize that the away team has brought back the contaminant thathuged the Tsiolkovsky crew, which is past on by skin contact. Although similar to the effects that affected the past 1701 Enterprise crew, that cure isn't affective in this case. This Enterprise faces the same fate as that faced by the 1701 Enterprise, unless they too can find the cure to the contaminant.

To make matters worse, the star the Tsiolkovsky was studying is about to go super nova, and Wesley Crusher, affected by the contaminant, disables the ships engines, leaving the ship in the path of destruction.

2363 have watched this episode

s01e04 / Code of Honor

13th Oct '87 - 12:00am
Code of Honor Summary

Stardate: 41235.25: The Enterprise visits a planet in hopes of diplomatically acquiring a necessary vaccine, but things go sour when one of the world's leaders kidnaps Tasha.

2354 have watched this episode

s01e05 / The Last Outpost

20th Oct '87 - 12:00am
The Last Outpost Summary

Stardate 41386.4 The Enterprise and the Federation's first meeting with the relatively unknown Ferengi race occurs near a strange, but unknown planet. Both the Enterprise and the Ferengi ship become trapped by the planet's forces, and both the ships slowly lose power. Although the Enterpriseand the Ferengi ship agree to send away teams to the planet together in hopes of finding away to destroy the source of the power that has left their ships trapped in orbit, can the Enterprise really trust the unknown Ferengi not to do harm to their own away team?

2341 have watched this episode

s01e06 / Where No One Has Gone Before

27th Oct '87 - 1:00am
Where No One Has Gone Before Summary

Stardate 41263.1 A Starfleet Officer thinks he can improve the Enterprise's engines. However, it is his mysterious alien assistant that really holds the key to the miraculous distances the Enterprise is able to achieve. Then It becomes up to Wesley Crusher to get the starship back to their own galaxy, after the alien, now known as the "Traveler", falls ill.

2339 have watched this episode

s01e07 / Lonely Among Us

3rd Nov '87 - 1:00am
Lonely Among Us Summary

Stardate 41249.3: Picard's mind becomes possessed by an unknown entity, while the Enterprise carries delegates to a peace treaty conference.

2330 have watched this episode

s01e08 / Justice

10th Nov '87 - 1:00am
Justice Summary

Stardate 41255.6: While visiting a peaceful planet protected by a partly invisible entity, Wesley Crusher breaks a trivial law, and is sentenced to passing.

2330 have watched this episode

s01e09 / The Battle

17th Nov '87 - 1:00am
The Battle Summary

Stardate 41723.9 A Ferengi captain, Bok, offers to return the Starfleet vessel Stargazer, the ship which was Captain Picard's first command. Strangely, Bok asks for no compensation for the vessel which Captain Picard had abandoned during the battle of Maxia. However, Bok's ulterior motive is revenge on Picard for the passing of his son during that battle. Bok tells the crew that the Stargazer's log show that Picard really fired on an unarmed Ferengi ship in the famous "Battle of Maxia".

Bok has also planted a mind control device on the Stargazer. The device causes Picard, after he beams back to the Stargazer, to believe he is back fighting the battle of Maxia, and believing the Enterprise is the opposing Ferengi vessel.

2326 have watched this episode

s01e10 / Hide and Q

24th Nov '87 - 1:00am
Hide and Q Summary

Stardate: 41590.5 While on a critical rescue mission, the "Q" entity reappears and decides to whisk the senior crew off the ship to play in a deadly war game against strange monsters in French military uniforms which has summoned up. Then, in a twist, "Q" offers Cmdr. Riker a chance to end the game by accepting becoming a "Q". Against Capt. Picard's orders, Riker agrees, and transports everyone back to Enterprise. However, Riker soon finds his new powers are corrupting his judgment, as he tries to live his normal life aboard the ship. The problem escalates when Enterprise reaches the planet they were originally headed to rescue.

2325 have watched this episode

s01e11 / Haven

1st Dec '87 - 1:00am
Haven Summary

Stardate 4129.5: Counselor Deanna Troi's mother, Lwaxana, drops by for a surprise visit. Lwaxana has come to inform Deanna that the arranged marriage her father had set up for her while she was still a child, is about to occur. Although Deanna has known about the arrangement, she had just assumed the arrangement had been called off due to her career in Starfleet. Even though she has never met the groom, Deanna believes she has being seeing visions of him, so she agrees to acquiesce to this Betazoid tradition.

However, the wedding plans are thrown into chaos when a major plaque ship approaches and threatens a world. The Enterprise responds to the planet's distress call, but soon both the Enterprise and Deanna find that not all is as it appears to be with the plague and her groom.

2319 have watched this episode

s01e12 / The Big Goodbye

12th Jan '88 - 1:00am
The Big Goodbye Summary

Stardate 41997.7: Captain Picard is tasked with making a very important "first contact" meeting with a xenophobic alien race. After tirelessly working on his opening speech (in their alien language), he decides to take some time off in the holodeck. However, when the alien's probe the Enterprise, it causes the holodeck to malfunction, leaving those inside in great danger. The crew must rescue Picard and the others from the holodeck, while at the same time trying to delay the alien race's demand to begin their exchange.

2320 have watched this episode

s01e13 / Datalore

19th Jan '88 - 1:00am
Datalore Summary

Stardate: 41242.4 The crew of Enterprise discovers another of Dr. Soong's androids while attempting to investigate Data's past. After they reassemble the newly found android, which also exactly resembles Data, they learn the android is named "Lore". Lore tells the crew he is Data's older more perfect brother. However, the crew soon learns why Lore was disassembled, as Lore soon leads the dreaded object known as the Crystalline Entity to Enterprise's location for his own evil purposes, and the destruction of Enterprise and Data.

2328 have watched this episode

s01e14 / Angel One

26th Jan '88 - 1:00am
Angel One Summary

Stardate: 41636.9 The Enterprise is sent to make a belated effort to find the possible survivors from a lost freighter that crashed seven years earlier. There, they find the planet that the freighter crashed on is ruled by women, with men in the subservient position. The crew then learns that there were survivors, but that they became outcasts, who were forced to go into hiding. The outcasts are now considered enemies of the state, and threatened with execution if found.

Meanwhile, to make matters worse, a virulent virus outbreak has occurred aboard the Enterprise. Most of the crew has become incapacitated to the point that the away team is not even allowed to return, except for Data.

Matters become even more critical when the Enterprise is desperately needed at the neutral zone, to fend off several threatening Romulan Warbirds.

2319 have watched this episode

s01e15 / 11001001

2nd Feb '88 - 1:00am
11001001 Summary

Stardate 41365.9: A strange species which relies on direct computer interfaces to communicate with each other, known as the Bynars, are set to upgrade the Enterprise's computer. However, instead they cause the crew to abandon ship by faking a pending loss of warp core containment. They have also set up a diversion in the holodeck to keep Riker onboard and unaware of the situation. Picard, who had stopped by the holodeck, is also left onboard, unaware. The space station holding the Enterprise for the upgrade sends the Enterprise on an automatic course away from the station, to prevent its destruction.

2317 have watched this episode

s01e16 / Too Short a Season

9th Feb '88 - 1:00am
Too Short a Season Summary

Stardate: 41309.5 After several Federation officials are taken hostage, the Enterprise is dispatched to carry a famous, but now elderly, retired negotiator back to the planet where he became famous many years before for negotiating a peaceful settlement to the planet's civil war. It is hoped that he can replicate his previous success and get the hostages freed.

However, the elderly Admiral begins to show signs of improving health and even signs of growing younger. Soon it becomes apparent the Admiral has taken drastic measures to not only save the hostages, but to also hide the dark secret of just how he was able to end the planet's civil war those many years ago. The measures he has taken will likely cause his passing in a very short period of time; maybe even before he can complete his task.

2313 have watched this episode

s01e17 / When The Bough Breaks

16th Feb '88 - 1:00am
When The Bough Breaks Summary

Stardate: 41509.1 An ancient mythical race, which has been able to cloak their planet from outsiders, is discovered by accident by the Enterprise. However, the crew's awe at finding this race is soon turned to consternation, as the planet's inhabitants' abduct several the crews' children. The crew learns that the inhabitants can no longer procreate, and need their children to continue their population.

Wesley Crusher, along with the other children, decides to fight their abduction by the inhabitants, while Dr. Crusher soon discovers the answer to the planet's procreation problem.

However, can the crew convince the more technically advanced and powerful race that they have the answer to their dilemma, and get their children back?

2312 have watched this episode

s01e18 / Home Soil

23rd Feb '88 - 1:00am
Home Soil Summary

Stardate: 41463.9 The Enterprise is sent to investigate strange occurrences on a planet being terraformed by a Federation science team. Although the planet was designated as being lifeless by the Federation, recent events there raise questions about if this is really true, especially after the strange passing of one of the science team members.

The crew must find out if the scientist was cuddled by one of his team members, or could there be another explanation.

2311 have watched this episode

s01e19 / Coming of Age

15th Mar '88 - 1:00am
Coming of Age Summary

Stardate: 41461.2 Wesley takes the Star Fleet entrance exam, which ends up testing his metal more than his mental abilities. This is more than he expected, and raises some old ghosts from his past.

Meanwhile, Admiral Quinn and his assistant, Lt. Cmdr. Remmick beam aboard to grill the crew over their past actions, thus upsetting the crews' normal duties, and also endangering one teen's life, when his decision to run away in a shuttle leads to near disaster.

2312 have watched this episode

s01e20 / Heart of Glory

22nd Mar '88 - 1:00am
Heart of Glory Summary

Stardate: 41503.7 Worf struggles between his loyalty to Starfleet and his loyalty to his Klingon brethren when two Klingon fugitives are rescued by the Enterprise from a fatally damaged Talarian ship. Picard puts Worf in charge of the pair, but Picard soon learns from an approaching Klingon vessel that the two are really criminals being sought by the approaching vessel.

The two fleeing fugitives now plan to take over the Enterprise and continue on their quest to restore the Klingons Empire to its past glories of battles and conquests.

Whether the two will succeed in taking over the ship or be captured comes down to which loyalties Worf will follow.

2309 have watched this episode

s01e21 / The Arsenal of Freedom

12th Apr '88 - 12:00am
The Arsenal of Freedom Summary

Stardate: 41798.2 Enterprise is sent to investigate the mysterious disappearance of the U.S.S. Drake. The trail leads them to the planet Minos, where an ancient pre-recorded message appears on the ship's main viewer stating that the planet trades in advanced weapons. Upon investigation, Capt. Picard and the away team discover that the apparently barren world is really a testing ground to demonstrate the ancient race's weapons. Unfortunately, it turns out the weapons are demonstrated on any one on the surface of the planet. Plus, each time a weapons attack is defeated by the away team, the defeated weapon is replaced by a more improved weapon. Capt. Picard and the away team, both now on the surface, must find a quick solution, as they only have a limited time before the improving weapons eventuallyhug them all.

2309 have watched this episode

s01e22 / Symbiosis

19th Apr '88 - 12:00am
Symbiosis Summary

Stardate: Unknown While on a routine survey mission, Enterprise answers a distress call from a nearby cargo vessel. After the survivors and the cargo are beamed to Enterprise, it becomes clear that something is amiss. The survivors are from two different planets, but both claim the "critically important" cargo. The cargo appears to be a relieving suave for one of the planet's ongoing medical plague problem. However, the cargo and the people who developed it are not what they appear to be, and have their own ulterior motives. Picard must weigh the "prime directive" restraint against interfering in what he feels is the right thing to do. His solution in the matter must avoid this issue, but also resolve the two planet's dilemma.

2309 have watched this episode

s01e23 / Skin of Evil

26th Apr '88 - 12:00am
Skin of Evil Summary

Stardate: 41601.3 Troi, and her shuttle pilot, develop system problems on their shuttle on their return to Enterprise. They then crash on a planet where a malevolent creature lives. The creature, which seems to feed on the suffering of others, is able to prevent their rescue due to its strange powers.

The Enterprise crew's attempt to rescue Troi leads to the passing of a valued crew member. The crew must then find a way around the creature's powers and rescue Troi, the sole survivor of the shuttle crash, without losing any more of the crews' lives.

2313 have watched this episode

s01e24 / We'll Always Have Paris

3rd May '88 - 12:00am
We'll Always Have Paris Summary

Stardate: 41697.9 When Enterprise encounters a hiccup in time, they proceed to the possible source of the event after also receiving a distress signal close to the origin of the temporal rift. There, Capt. Picard finds a long lost love of his, now married to the scientist whose work on temporal mechanics may be the cause of the dimensional rift.

2307 have watched this episode

s01e25 / Conspiracy

10th May '88 - 12:00am
Conspiracy Summary

Stardate: 41775.5 Capt. Picard is asked by an old Starfleet Captain friend to meet with him in secret. At this meeting with his friend, and with a few other officers, they tell Picard there is a possible problem within Starfleet command. Picard thinks they are overstating things, until he later learns his friend's Starship has exploded for no apparent reason.

Data is then tasked to look into any disturbing irregularities in recent Starfleet records, and after reviewing recent communiqués he finds several anomalies. Picard then decides to take Enterprise back to Earth to get some answers. In a twist, Starfleet command welcomes Enterprise's return and invites Picard and Riker to a dinner in their honor.

However, it is a trap. Picard knows it, but can he and Riker, who is to stay onboard to keep an eye on a visiting suspect Admiral, find a way to defeat the trap and save Starfleet and the Federation?

2309 have watched this episode

s01e26 / The Neutral Zone

17th May '88 - 12:00am
The Neutral Zone Summary

While waiting for Capt. Picard's return from a conference, the Enterprise crew finds an ancient Earth spaceship which contains three people in cryogenic stasis. After reviving the three, and after healing their ailments, which were incurable back in their time, the crew must find out what to do with these out of place persons.

However, when Picard returns, he tells the crew they are to investigate the disappearance of several Federation outposts near the Neutral Zone. This leads to a confrontation with the Romulans, who are also investigating the loss of several Romulan outposts near the Neutral Zone.

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