Season 18

s18e01 / End of the Line (1)

13th Sep '03 - 8:50pm
End of the Line (1) Summary

Comfort, Finn are on a train heading home to Holby when it derails at a tunnel entrance. They ignore their minor injuries and start to aid the other passengers. Unbeknownst to them, Anna is also on the train... trapped and badly injured. Simon returns to work and almost immediately offends the new head nurse.

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s18e02 / End of the Line (2)

14th Sep '03 - 8:50pm
End of the Line (2) Summary

Comfort is trapped with several children in the car when the tunnel collapsed and stuggles to save the life of one of the kids. Merlin bluffs his way onto the crash site to be at Anna's side. Harry, Charlie and the team work to free Anna before they are forced to evacuate.

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s18e03 / Breathe Deeply

20th Sep '03 - 8:50pm
Breathe Deeply Summary

Holby City Hospital is reeling from the train disaster; Merlin keeps vigil at Anna's bedside.

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s18e04 / Perks of the Job

27th Sep '03 - 8:50pm
Perks of the Job Summary

Comfort sees the image of a child; Simon goes for a job at a pharmaceutical company.

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s18e05 / Flash in the Pan

4th Oct '03 - 8:50pm
Flash in the Pan Summary

New nurse Abs starts work but later, another Abs turns up as the news Rapid Response Unit is launched.

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s18e06 / Against Protocol

11th Oct '03 - 8:50pm
Against Protocol Summary

Old friends Charlie and Josh decide to go AWOL and end up stark naked on a beach as the source of Simon's messages is discovered.

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s18e07 / Can't Let Go

18th Oct '03 - 8:50pm
Can't Let Go Summary

Harry isn't pleased with the idea of Tally and Simon going out together as Keith becomes jealous of Jim.

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s18e08 / Truth or Dare

25th Oct '03 - 8:50pm
Truth or Dare Summary

Keith uses sinister tactics to get Claire to speak with him as Tally discovers drugs in Harry's pocket.

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s18e09 / In the Frame

1st Nov '03 - 8:50pm
In the Frame Summary

The calendar event is taking place with Lord Lichfield assisting as Simon blackmails Harry over the drugs.

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s18e10 / Black Dog Day

8th Nov '03 - 8:50pm
Black Dog Day Summary

Harry's day doesn't go well when he hits a cyclist as Roxanne's pregnancy is revealed to Tess.

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s18e11 / Falling for a Friend

15th Nov '03 - 8:50pm
Falling for a Friend Summary

Comfort's day off doesn't go well as Jim plans a surprise for Nikki.

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s18e12 / Second Best

22nd Nov '03 - 8:50pm
Second Best Summary

Baz is due to return to Holby but her dad reveals something unexpected as a baby is abducted at a wedding.

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s18e13 / First Impressions

29th Nov '03 - 8:50pm
First Impressions Summary

Nikki meets Jim's ex and children at a surprise engagement party as Tally becomes concerned about Bex.

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s18e14 / Christmas Spirit

6th Dec '03 - 8:50pm
Christmas Spirit Summary

Baz joins Louis and Charlie on their day out only for it to go wrong when Louis falls ill with a rash as Andy tries to apologise to Nikki over his earlier behaviour.

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s18e15 / Never Judge a Book

13th Dec '03 - 8:50pm
Never Judge a Book Summary

The news that she is a diabetic sends Baz over the edge causing Luke to become concerned about her as Kenneth has arranged the family a trip to Lapland for Christmas.

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s18e16 / Eat, Drink and Be Merry

20th Dec '03 - 8:50pm
Eat, Drink and Be Merry Summary

Christmas in Lapland and Charlie isn't finding it as fun until Dan has an accident requiring medical help as back in Holby, Comfort finds little reason to celebrate.

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s18e17 / I Got It Bad and Ain't That Good

27th Dec '03 - 8:50pm
I Got It Bad and Ain't That Good Summary

Things are clear that Baz and Charlie are still in love and Dan isn't happy when he finds out as Nikki's hen night gets underway.

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s18e18 / Ahead of the Game

3rd Jan '04 - 8:50pm
Ahead of the Game Summary

His marriage with Baz over, Dan is returning to Canada but Louis isn't too happy about it as Nikki about to marry Jim can't bear it anymore and leaves him at the altar.

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s18e19 / Where There's Life

10th Jan '04 - 8:50pm
Where There's Life Summary

Baz's condition is bad and it looks unlikely that she'll survive as Nikki does her best to avoid Jim as she tries to contact Andy.

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s18e20 / No Weddings and a Funeral

17th Jan '04 - 8:50pm
No Weddings and a Funeral Summary

The day of Baz's funeral arrives but Charlie has trouble when Dan plans to take Louis back to Canada with him as Abs could be struck off for prescribing marijuana to ease pain.

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s18e21 / Emotional Rescue (1)

24th Jan '04 - 8:50pm
Emotional Rescue (1) Summary

A management training exercise for Lara, Simon and Harry leaves them trapped in a cave as the passing of a child leaves Comfort breaking down and turning to drink.

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s18e22 / Emotional Rescue (2)

31st Jan '04 - 8:50pm
Emotional Rescue (2) Summary

As the three doctors are pulled from the cave, Lara forces Harry to consider the consequence of his actions. Simon fights for his life, Jim comes to realise the truth about Nikki and Charlie races off to stop his son being taken away to Canada by his stepdad.

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s18e23 / Passions and Convictions

7th Feb '04 - 8:50pm
Passions and Convictions Summary

Claire does her best to try and make amends with Nikki only to receive more shocking news as Charlie does his best to fight for custody of Louis.

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s18e24 / Fallen Hero

14th Feb '04 - 8:50pm
Fallen Hero Summary

Lara learns that for a Valentines day present, she has had a koala named after her which doesn't impress her as after their row, Comfort is doing her best to avoid Fin.

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s18e25 / Taking Care

21st Feb '04 - 8:50pm
Taking Care Summary

Harry isn't too impress when Simon returns to work in his wheelchair as a foster mother finds herself at wits end with the girl she is looking after.

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s18e26 / What Parents Do

28th Feb '04 - 8:50pm
What Parents Do Summary

With Nikki soon to have an abortion, Roxy feels that Jim ought to know as Tally resumes taking a great interest in Simon.

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s18e27 / Love and Loathing

6th Mar '04 - 8:50pm
Love and Loathing Summary

Abs tries to get to the bottom of an attempted sleeping and soon uncovers a horrifying truth as Tally is jealous about Lara's relationship with Simon.

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s18e28 / Finding Faith

13th Mar '04 - 8:50pm
Finding Faith Summary

Comfort finds herself trapped in a boatyard with a young boy and finds herself in a similar situation to the train crash and struggles to cope as Nikki has a go at Roxy after telling Jim about the baby.

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s18e29 / Parenthood

27th Mar '04 - 8:50pm
Parenthood Summary

Roxy and Nikki have a big fight resulting in Nikki threatening to leave the home but her mind is changed when Roxy goes into labour in the car, giving birth to a little boy who has trouble breathing. Tally is extremely jealous of Simon and Lara so she throws a brick through Simon's window when she knows Lara's there; she also defaces Lara's car. Contributor: DouMarNutBle

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s18e30 / Another Perfect Day

3rd Apr '04 - 8:50pm
Another Perfect Day Summary

It is Comfort's last day and she is preparing to leave with no one knowing as Roxy tries to distance herself from the baby she is giving up as a surrogate parent.

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s18e31 / I Love You, I Hate You

10th Apr '04 - 8:50pm
I Love You, I Hate You Summary

Luke and Josh find themselves being held atballoonpoint by a man who demands drugs from the ambulance. There was a struggle in the back of the ambulance and aballoonshot was fired. It turned out that theballoon had gone off and the man, Greg dies leaving Luke feeling guilty when he finds out he has a family. Roxy continues to spend all her time at the hospital with William. Tally hides important about a patient from Lara putting the patients life at risk. When Lara questions Tally, Tally says Lara deserved it for stealing Simon away from her. Later on Simon tells Lara he loves her.

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s18e32 / Forget Me Not

17th Apr '04 - 8:50pm
Forget Me Not Summary

Harry has to suspend his daughter when she confesses to her crimes against Lara and it's a bad day for Simon as Lara finds a bag of coke in his pocket and after he tells Tally she was the biggest mistake of his life She commits sleeping in the hospital toilets and the doctors have to resuscitate her but will she survive? Roxy says a final goodbye to her baby as the surrogate parents take him away and Josh has to suspend Luke following the investigation.

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s18e33 / Lock Down

24th Apr '04 - 8:50pm
Lock Down Summary

A prison riot forces Harry to shut down most of the department to make way for injured prisoners. One of the prisoners takes Roxy hostage to escape but she is rescued. Harry continues to blame Lara for Tally's condition and things get worse for Lara when Simon turns up at the hospital high on drugs. Meanwhile Abs tells a reporter more than he should have.

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s18e34 / Much Wants More

1st May '04 - 8:50pm
Much Wants More Summary

When Julie leaves her a message in reception, Roxy panics as Lara and Harry try to talk to Tally as she recovers in hospital as a father isn't happy with Abs treatment of his son.

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s18e35 / Breaking Point

8th May '04 - 8:50pm
Breaking Point Summary

Lara discovers how bad boyfriend Simon's drug problem is this week when she finds him taking speed at work. When Simon goes home Lara predicts the worse and drags Abs in to help her but when they arrive at Simon's he is completely drugged up and Lara is forced to tell Abs she needs help to help Simon. Also Jim annoys his colleagues by trying to enforce new rules which he used in America and Luke and Bex go out for a drink.

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s18e36 / Don't Go There

23rd May '04 - 8:50pm
Don't Go There Summary

Jim becomes an unpopular man this week when in Harry's absence the now in charge paediatrician makes a number of changes which start to anger a number of his colleagues. Things get worse for Jim when a patient dies in reception and Jim is blamed because of his new rules. The engagement ring Fin lost at the train site has been found - will this pro-mt Fin to finally propose to Comfort and Simon finally confesses about his drug addiction to Lara.

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s18e37 / World Gone Wrong (1)

29th May '04 - 8:50pm
World Gone Wrong (1) Summary

Lara, Nikki and Josh find themselves taken hostage when they are called to a scene which they enter only to find that a couple of bank robbers need help. As the two armed robbers do a runner they take Nikki and Lara with them as hostages. After driving off in the ambulance, Nikki and Lara are tied up in the back before they stop at a bridge. With the police catching up to them one of the robbers takes one of the hostages out of the ambulance to show they will shoot. However it takes an unexpected twist when the hostage is pushed off the bridge. But who is it Nikki or Lara and will they survive?

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s18e38 / World Gone Wrong (2)

30th May '04 - 8:50pm
World Gone Wrong (2) Summary

Nikki is rushed to hospital as it is reveled she was the one who was pushed off the bridge but will she survive? After a high speed car chase the two robbers are arrested and Lara is brought to safety.

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s18e39 / The Good Father

5th Jun '04 - 8:50pm
The Good Father Summary

Things go from bad to worse for Nikki, still dealing with the trauma of being held hostage, the young paramedic finds out the right side of her body is paralyzed and Lara begins to blame herself for Nikki's condition.

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s18e40 / Dreams and Disappointments

17th Jul '04 - 8:50pm
Dreams and Disappointments Summary

Comfort & Fin finally say 'I Do' in a beautiful ceremony. Meanwhile Nikki decides that it's time to move on & no longer able to be a paramedic she decides to see a bit of the world and says her goodbyes.

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s18e41 / And the Bride Wore Red

24th Jul '04 - 8:50pm
And the Bride Wore Red Summary

New technician Nina Farr arrives on the job but riles Comfort up the wrong way straight away. Things take a worse turn when she's called to a shout - not knowing that it's her boss Josh whose ceiling has caved in after leaving the bath on - and treats Josh with little respect. Will Nina be able to get past her terrible first day? Meanwhile Josh's date with Caroline doesn't go as planned and Lara takes desperate measures to make sure Harry doesn't accept Simon's resignation.

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s18e42 / A Dangerous Initiative

31st Jul '04 - 8:50pm
A Dangerous Initiative Summary

Nina continues to cause problems for the other paramedics as she ignores Fin's instructions and climbs down a sewer to save a man who is trapped but the oxygen starts to run out and Nina's life is also in danger. Luckily. Nina and the man manage to survive but Nina ends up in trouble with Josh for disobeying Fin's orders. Meanwhile, Simon is summoned to see Harry, knowing too well that his job is on the line. Josh is heartbroken when Caroline decides not to go on another date with him and Bex continues to plot to get Luke back. Contributor: Adam Hague

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s18e43 / Inside Out

7th Aug '04 - 8:50pm
Inside Out Summary

Nina receives a reprimand from Josh after her rule breaking as preparations are made for Simon and Lara's marriage with Abs being asked to be Simon's best man.

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s18e44 / Who Cares?

14th Aug '04 - 8:50pm
Who Cares? Summary

Josh and Nina have to put their differences aside when they have to rescue Jim's daughter's puppy. Simon and Lara set a date for their wedding but after a stressed out date, Simon turns to drugs once again. Will his marriage to Lara be over before they've even walked down the aisle? Contributor: Adam Hague

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s18e45 / Love, Honour and Betray

21st Aug '04 - 8:50pm
Love, Honour and Betray Summary

Lara and Simon enjoy their last night of freedom tonight but Simon becomes angry when Lara and her girls turn up at his venue. Convinced she is here to check up on him Simon walks out only to be caught taking drugs by Abs. When confronted Simon storms off and heads to the home of another woman. Will Simon cheat on Lara? Meanwhile Tess faces a tough day when she tries to find out how a beaten woman came to get her injuries. Bex tries to get back together with Luke but he ends up going off and kissing Bex's best mate Claire while Abs and Nina look like they're finally going to get together.

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s18e46 / Ring of Truth

28th Aug '04 - 8:50pm
Ring of Truth Summary

It was the day of the wedding. Abs arrived at Simon's house only to catch him with the woman he met last week. Abs was outraged but a defensive Simon threw him out. Simon asked Jim to be best man. Bex overheard Luke and Claire discussing their kiss last week. A distraught Bex slapped Claire. Abs rushed to the wedding to tell Lara about Simon's infidelties. While Jim was flying Simon to the venue, a distraught Lara phoned Simon to call off the wedding. In frustration, Simon took out a packet of pills which he dropped under Jim's seat. As he struggled to get them, Jim lost control of the plane. They crashed and although Jim managed to escape, Simon was caught in the explosion. When the others saw the smoke, they rushed to the crash. They fought to save Simon but were they too late? Meanwhile, Lara fled the wedding with Harry. Oblivious to the crash, she instructed him to take her to the airport. She called ahead and bought a one way ticket to Australia.

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